An integration process that begins before you arrive ...
From the day you sign your contract and until you arrive, you will receive regular “episodes” giving you all the information you need to make a good start at Castelis: presentation of the company, its teams, the management, the timetable for your first day and a ground plan of the premises so that you can see, even before you arrive, where your future office is!
… and continues throughout your first few months
In the month you arrive, you will receive a weekly newsletter. This contains all the information you need to properly begin your Castelis adventure: a summary of the integration reviews and an invitation to follow Castelis on social media. In a word, everything that will make you an accomplished member of Castelis.

The review
As well as the information emails, we have set up integration reviews where the new Castelis member, his or her Buddy and a member of the HR team meet to discuss any problems, the progress made since arriving at Castelis and any goals to achieve before the next review.
The integration breakfast
Every quarter, all new Castelis members are invited to an “Integration Breakfast”. The senior managers present Castelis’ history and strategy. The integration breakfast allows everyone to introduce themselves and get to know each other. It is an opportunity to talk informally and spend a pleasant moment together.

Supporting you: our priority
- An annual interview with your supervisor every year to set your goals.
- A career interview every two years to study your possible career developments and training needs.
Grow your talent
Growing your talent is developing your employability throughout your career at Castelis. We offer you the opportunity to acquire many different kinds of expertise that will be useful to you on a daily basis, but not just that!
It also involves listening to your career development wishes and supporting you in building your career by giving you the opportunity.
hours of training in 2018
employees received training in 2018
A budget allocated to training over the whole year
Compensation and benefits
Bonuses several times a year
Holiday bonuses, target-based bonuses, participation and hiring recommendation
Company-supported savings
Castelis pays you a supplement (contribution) to the sums placed in your company savings plan.
Flexibility on vacations
You will be eligible for paid leaves from your first year! Castelis allows you to take leave early, i.e. once you have a leave entitlement, you will be able to use it.
Complementary health insurance for everyone
You will benefit from complementary health insurance for you and your family, competitive and financed mainly by Castelis.
Personal invalidity insurance for everyone
You will benefit from generous social cover in the event of sickness, disability etc. through personal invalidity insurance financed by Castelis.
Little “extras” that make life more pleasant at Castelis
A relaxation room with different options: table tennis, table football, games console, library etc. A fruit basket, coffee, tea, chocolate and cans. A large terrace to enjoy.
Conviviality to maintain the Castelis spirit
A Christmas party and a summer event each year
An aperitif every other Friday to meet and talk.