In 2020, Castelis obtained 93 points out of 100 in the gender equality index.
We are proud to announce that we have received a high score on this index for the second consecutive year.
In 2020, we obtained an overall score of 93 points out of 100, one less than in 2019, but well above the minimum required score of 75 points. This index is based on 4 criteria that measure and verify the situation of French companies in terms of equal pay for women and men. These figures are published every March for companies with less than 250 employees.
Here are the indicators in detail:
Indicator 1: The elimination of pay gaps between women and men, for comparable positions and ages. To get 40 points, the company must achieve a 0% pay gap between women and men. Castelis scored 39/40
Indicator 2: The same chance of a pay rise for both women and men. The maximum of 35 points is awarded if the company has increased the salaries of both men and women. Castelis got 35/35
Indicator 3: All female employees receive an increase when they return from maternity leave, if increases were given in their absence.
This year we had no returns from maternity leave, so this indicator cannot be calculated for 2020.
Indicator 4: This indicator measures the share of women in the 10 highest earners.
A general observation is that the higher up the job ladder we go, the fewer women there are. The aim is to ensure a more balanced representation of both genders at all levels of the hierarchy, and particularly in management positions. Castelis scored 5/10, so this is the indicator we need to improve.
We are continuing to work on these areas in order to further reduce the gender gap and potentially reach a score of 100 out of 100!